Tag Archives: still life

Effervescence & Jubilation

Posted April 26, 2019 by Kerry McFall

painting of lilacs

“Jubilation”, mixed media by Kerry McFall

I borrowed a stem of lilacs this morning from my neighbor to the south.  Much like daphne, lilacs beg to be picked and brought indoors, inhaled and celebrated, and I am not one to deny them.

I also snapped off a few stems of salal from my neighbor to the north.  They won’t mind.  They probably won’t notice.  The ajuga is my own, a hardy little vine that refuses to succumb to being trampled by our front entry.  Into my favorite simple round vase they all went, plunked on the dining table to be properly adored.  And painted and petted and stared at and re-arranged.

I used the term Jubilation when I titled my painting.  Because that’s what lilacs smell like – unabashed joy at being in bloom.  Joy at being lavender with rosy edges and tiny golden middles.  Joy at dripping big fluffy blossoms over the sidewalks and lawns of the latitudes lucky enough to host their beauty.

Then I thought better of that title as I added the final touch:  a few spatters of paint, just because!  Because it’s spring!  Because the sun is shining!  Because I have paint and I have an old toothbrush and I can see bubbles in the vase water as if it were champagne!!  Effervescence would have been a better choice, but too late…

Jubilation will do in a pinch, however.  May Day is only a few days away – go forth and jubilate!



Lemon Still Life

Two lemons on a plate

Lemon Still Life - 8 x 10 prints on fabric $20

A well-stocked refrigerator at Ben Hame yielded a bag of lemons.  I chose the two that were slightly misshapen, a hand-painted plate, and set out to do something a little less picky, a little faster, a little simpler than I usually do – primarily because I was semi-babysitting.  My young friend Ethan, age 5, was so busy having “Pac-Man Time” on his IPad that all I had to do was listen for the beeping to stop… easiest babysitting I ever did.  And I like the lemons, too!