Tag Archives: cardinal

It’s Working!

Male Cardinal sketch

"You and Whose Army?!" Colored Pencil - Prints $20

 Discipline.  No other deadline.  Bad weather.  A bird-watcher’s magazine.  Those seem to be the ingredients required for me to create one new sketch a day.

And I’m loving it!  I’ve never been brave enough before to attempt portraying my favorite Southern bird…  When I first moved to Atlanta, a flash of red outside the window sent me screeching to find my husband in excitement.  He thought something terrible had happened and came running.  “It’s a red bird,” he mumbled, clearly wondering if importing a woman from Oregon was perhaps not the best idea he’s ever had…  His brother had a similar experience with his Oregon wife when she moved South, which made me feel far less of a hysterical nitwit, but I still gasp at the sight of red feathers when I’m visiting down South.  This particular cardinal reminds me of the fellow who repeatedly atacked his reflection in Larsen’s kitchen window in Knoxville.

Original photo credits Birders World magazine