Tulip Tree


drawing/painting of tulip tree

“Tulip Tree”, copyright 2015 by Kerry McFall, Prints $25

This tree portrait represents an experiment with “focus”.  Inside the enlargement, I used both opaque watercolor and transparent watercolor initially, then highlighted using a brush pen.  I blurred the background branch by scribbling over it with white china marker, and I drew over the outline of the foreground branch and blooms with the marker also.  Then I added a blue transparent wash over the entire background, which fuzzed things up quite nicely. A few touchups with transparent watercolor and .03 Pitt Artist’s Pen, then I added the quick sketch of the entire tree as it appears outside my kitchen window.  The final touch was to spatter pink paint from a toothbrush on the blossoms – next time I think I’ll use thicker, brighter spatters.


Sunday was a blustery day so the petals are now scattered all over the neighborhood.  In another few days, they’ll be soggy, brown memories of their former pink glory.  Time marches on.


2 thoughts on “Tulip Tree

  1. Joan T

    Sorry I haven’t stopped by in a while….but it is good to see you have been busy. I LOVE this one! Thanks for explaining how you did it. The center section is really lovely. I smiled at the killer heels that you sketched. I don’t think I would have ever worn heels like that. lol So far we haven’t seen any real signs of Spring here in NYC other that a quick moving snowstorm that almost melted before the following day was over. I’m happy just to see grass again. Happy Spring!

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